Kyrgyz people need a role-model similar to Imam Khomeini

The chief of the K.T.R channel expressed his satisfaction over signing of memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the broadcasters of the two countries to produce a comprehensive documentary under the title of “memories of friend” about Imam Khomeini.

ID: 31944 | Date: 2012/10/28
A prominent poet and media personality says people of Kyrgyzstan and the region need to follow the teachings of Imam Khomeini in order to make an all-out progress in all arenas of life.Abdurralhman Alove, the chief executive officer (CEO) of K.T.R channel of Kyrgyzstan made remarks during a meeting with Ali Kibriaei Zadeh, the head of Iranian culture center in Bishkek.

The head of K.T.R channel emphasized that the Kyrgyz people need to adopt the personality and teachings of Imam Khomeini as a perfect model in a bid to expand the Islamic culture and values.  Mr. Kibriaei Zadeh also noted that the media can create mutual understanding between our two nations and become a plateform to introduce common, spiritual and moral values.

He also strongly criticized the giant western media organizations that have engaged in promoting materialism and beating the drums of wars in the name of democracy and human rights.

The CEO of the K.T.R channel praised the Islamic Republic of Iran broadcasting for producing several useful educational, ethical and moral programs.  He also admired the various perspectives of personality of Imam Khomeini, the great spiritual and political leader of the Muslim world and contemporary era. 

“After a deep study of Imam Khomeini’s biography, I came to this conclusion that his personality and teachings can be a unique role-model for the people of Kyrgyzstan,”   Abdurralhman Alove concluded.

The chief of the K.T.R channel expressed his satisfaction over signing of memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the broadcasters of the two countries to produce a comprehensive documentary under the title of “memories of friend” about Imam Khomeini.