Iran says Zionist regime’s bad dreams will never come true

Iran says Zionist regime’s bad dreams will never come true

The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesman has described the Zionist regime of Israel as the main cause of instability in the region, noting that its bad dreams about Iran will never come true.

Thursday, December 13, 2018 10:08

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Trump repeats false claims about Iran

Trump repeats false claims about Iran

US President Donald Trump has lied again about Iran in an effort to trick the Democrat-led House of Representatives to agree to pay for the southern border wall.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 04:48

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Imam Khomeini united the world’s fair-minded nations against US: Leader

Imam Khomeini united the world’s fair-minded nations against US: Leader

Addressing the families of Iranian martyrs in a meeting in Tehran on Wednesday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said by dubbing the US “the Great Satan,” the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, united the world’s monotheists and fair-minded nations against Washington. He also pointed to Washington’s long-running enmity towards the Iranian nation.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 04:43

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President Rouhani voices support for intra-Yemeni peace talks

President Rouhani voices support for intra-Yemeni peace talks

President Hassan Rouhani has expressed Iran’s support for intra-Yemeni negotiations, saying the invaders have come to the realization that making peace with the Yemeni nation is the only option available to them.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018 12:29

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Students day reminds of universities` contribution to Islamic Revolution

Students day reminds of universities' contribution to Islamic Revolution

The ceremony for commemorating “Student Day” in Iran has been held at Tehran University to mark national student day. Student Day is commemorated annually for the three students of Tehran University who were killed on December 7, 1953 at the university, four months after the Iranian 1953 coup d'état.

Sunday, December 09, 2018 10:35

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16 Azar (7 December) became official Student Day in Iran after the 1979 Revolution

16 Azar (7 December) became official Student Day in Iran after the 1979 Revolution

16 Azar (7 December) has become the official Student Day in Iran after the 1979 Revolution. On that day, December 7, 1953 (16 Azar 1332 in the Iranian calendar) three students of the University of Tehran were murdered by Iranian police in the Pahlavi era. Every year there are local demonstrations at many universities organized by students.

Friday, December 07, 2018 06:30

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The origin of national Student Day in Iran

The origin of national Student Day in Iran

In the years 1962-63 with the Imam Khomeini movement, Iran entered a new stage which resulted in the victory of the 1979 revolution. The Iranian Revolution, participated by the absolute majority of society, became the most popular revolution in the new history of the world.

Friday, December 07, 2018 12:54

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