Leader says verification of US sanctions removal means Iran should be able to sell its oil

Leader says verification of US sanctions removal means Iran should be able to sell its oil

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says any US claim to having removed Iran’s sanctions must be verified by Tehran and this means that the Islamic Republic should be able to sell its oil under normal conditions and receive its money.

Thursday, April 08, 2021 06:30

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President says Rouhani says US totally failed to bring Tehran to its knees via economic war

President says Rouhani says US totally failed to bring Tehran to its knees via economic war

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says the economic war waged by the United States against the Islamic Republic has totally failed and all measures taken by Washington to bring Tehran to its knees have been proven futile.

Thursday, April 08, 2021 03:28

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President Rouhani says US failing to seize golden chance for win-win bargain on Iran deal

President Rouhani says US failing to seize golden chance for win-win bargain on Iran deal

President Hassan Rouhani has criticized the new US administration’s foot-dragging on a return to compliance with the multilateral nuclear deal with Iran that it abandoned in 2018, saying Washington has so far failed to seize the “golden chance” for a “win-win bargain.”

Thursday, April 01, 2021 08:53

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Emphasize on Justice

Emphasize on Justice

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 11:36

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President Rouhani says Iran, China determined to boost long-term strategic ties, fight terrorism

President Rouhani says Iran, China determined to boost long-term strategic ties, fight terrorism

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says Iran and China are firmly determined to improve “strategic and long-term” cooperation in various political and economic fields and fight terrorism and extremism in the region.

Saturday, March 27, 2021 03:59

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President Rouhani says  enemies cannot speak to Iranians with ‘language of force, threat’

President Rouhani says enemies cannot speak to Iranians with ‘language of force, threat’

In his message to the nation on the occasion of the Persian New Year or Nowruz on Saturday, President Hassan Rouhani has commended the patience and perseverance of the great Iranian nation, saying the enemies have admitted that they cannot speak to the Iranian people with the language of force, threats and sanctions.

Saturday, March 20, 2021 12:16

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President Rouhani says new US administration did nothing to make up for past mistakes:

President Rouhani says new US administration did nothing to make up for past mistakes:

President Hassan Rouhani says the former “criminal” US administration did great injustice to the people of Iran with its terrorist acts, and that the new leadership in the White House has so far failed to take any practical measure to make up for the past wrongdoings.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 05:42

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Iranian foreign minister scolds ‘shameless’ suppliers of Saddam’s WMDs on anniv. of Halabja carnage

Iranian foreign minister scolds ‘shameless’ suppliers of Saddam’s WMDs on anniv. of Halabja carnage

Iran’s foreign minister has blasted the Western countries that provided former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein with deadly chemicals, but now “care not to remember” his massacre of Iraqi people with the same weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 05:00

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