Imam Khomeini, the Revivalist of Ashura Culture

Imam Khomeini, the Revivalist of Ashura Culture

Imam Khomeini’s movement which had started on the evening of Ashura in 1342 AHS reached its highest point at the month of Muharram in 1358 AHS. Imam’s historical massage for the Islamic revolution manifested itself in the slogan of “the blood’s triumph over the sword.”

Monday, November 26, 2012 04:09

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The historical significance of Ashura (2)

The historical significance of Ashura (2)

The nearby river of Furat was also blocked by Yazid forces and the infallible along with his 72 companions were martyred while being thirsty.

Friday, November 23, 2012 08:58

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Congratulations on the occasion of Ghadir

Congratulations on the occasion of Ghadir

The issue of Ghadir is not an event befallen the Imam. In fact,Ghadir has been created for the sake of the Imam.

Thursday, November 01, 2012 02:17

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An Introduction to the Institute of Imam Khomeini (2)

An Introduction to the Institute of Imam Khomeini (2)

Since 1996, the institute of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic revolution, dependent on the institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini's works, started working to introduce Imam Khomeini's ideas, doing researches about the different dimensions of Imam's life and notions inside and outside of the country and training the researchers on this field and its constitution was approved by the ministry of the science, research and technology's deployment council.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012 04:43

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An Introduction to Institute of Imam Khomeini (1)

An Introduction to Institute of Imam Khomeini (1)

Since 1996, the institute of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic revolution, dependent on the institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini's works, started working to introduce Imam Khomeini's ideas, doing researches about the different dimensions of Imam's life and notions inside and outside of the country and training the researchers on this field.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012 04:16

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An Analysis on the Supreme Leader`s Inaugural Speech Regarding the Foreign Policy at the 16th NAM Summit

An Analysis on the Supreme Leader's Inaugural Speech Regarding the Foreign Policy at the 16th NAM ...

Imam Khomeini's foreign policy through his movement was not only aligned with the rightful request of independence of the NAM members but was even more seriously seeking for a global unity. The inaugural speeches of the Iranian Supreme Leader regarding the foreign policy according to Imam Khomeini's strategies shed the light on the pathat the 16th NAM summit as we try to analyze its dimensions in this article.

Thursday, September 06, 2012 06:38

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Hadrat Ali(a)

Hadrat Ali(a)

Dimensions & Universality of Imam Ali's(a) Personality

Saturday, September 01, 2012 11:10

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Imam Khomeini: "Hajj is similar with Quran"

The 2 Day International Seminar on "Hajj in View of the Holy Quran and Sunnah"

Imam Khomeini: "Hajj is similar with Quran"

During the 2 Day International Seminar on "Hajj in View of the Holy Quran and Sunnah" which was held in India Hujatalislam Ghazi Asgar talked about Imam Khomeini as the origin of the religious thinking and declared Imam's ideas about Haj.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 07:55

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