``The Nature of Islamic Awakening is Moral Awakening``

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini:

''The Nature of Islamic Awakening is Moral Awakening''

We have great days in front of us and we have also passed great days. This year, was an extraordinary year in the recent decades of the Islamic world, which the spiritual awakening is one of the most important faces of it.”

Sunday, January 01, 2012 03:03

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The Master of Martyrs (as) has kept Islam alive

Imam Hussein (as) & his revival of Islam

The Master of Martyrs (as) has kept Islam alive

Imam Hussein (as), the Master of Martyrs, fought against oppression and tyranny and gave everything he had, his children, his family and himself in order to save Islam. Imam Hussein’s (as) movement was able to destroy a dynasty. The reason we cry for Imam Hussein (as) and hold mourning sessions, which we were told to do by Imam al-Sadiq (as), is not only because the tragedies of Imam Hussein (as) truly breaks our hearts and fills us with sorrow but it is to continue his uprising against oppression and tyranny.

Monday, December 26, 2011 03:06

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Fo’aad al-Razim: Imam Khomeini made the matter of Palestine global

Fo’aad al-Razim’s view regarding the Imam

Fo’aad al-Razim: Imam Khomeini made the matter of Palestine global

Fo’aad al-Razim has been in Israeli prisons for thirty years, until recently when he was freed. He visited the International Imam Khomeini University of Gazvin, and talked of the Imam’s role in making the struggles of Palestinians a global issue. He also thanked the Iranian people for their help and support. In addition he talked of his experiences and the strength of the spirit of resistance in Palestine.

Sunday, December 25, 2011 03:33

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The Imam reacted to insults in a way which pleases God

Imam’s political characteristics

The Imam reacted to insults in a way which pleases God

The author of the book, Nehzat-e-Imam Khomeini, talked about the Imam’s reactions and political movements in the presence of a number of clergymen at the Islamic sciences centre or Jami’e Oloom Islami centre. Two of the Imam’s most prominent characteristics were his swift and well-thought out reactions and his prudence.

Sunday, December 18, 2011 01:54

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Jacque Shartier: “The Iranian Islamic revolution defies world equations”

Revolutions and Iran

Jacque Shartier: “The Iranian Islamic revolution defies world equations”

Nowadays politics has turned into a tool which is used to dominate society and people. However the Islamic revolution which was led by Imam Khomeini and is based on the concept of Wilayat-e-Fagih, is a revolution which defies the usual equations of politics in the world.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011 02:19

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“Ashura is an uprising against oppression and deviation.”

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini:

“Ashura is an uprising against oppression and deviation.”

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini said: “We are now faced with a society, which more than ever is in need of learning and understanding the lesson of Ashura. We must always keep Ashura as a fountain of truth in our minds.”

Sunday, December 04, 2011 11:09

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 Muharram and Ashura


Muharram and Ashura

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar, when Muslims commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (as), the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad (saw) and the third Imam and leader of the Shi'a. Imam Hussein's (as) martyrdom is a sad day for all Muslims especially the Shi'a, who mourn the massacre of their "Master of Martyrs" and his family in Karbala in 61AH/680CE.

Sunday, November 27, 2011 12:11

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Protesting the Capitulation and inviting the people and `ulama` to uprising

Protesting the Capitulation and inviting the people and `ulama' to uprising

The leader of the Iranian revolution issued a statement, which showed his opposition to the Capitulation Bill in 1964. This statement lead to the removal and nullification of this bill . Excerpts of this message is as follows: Now the American military and non-military advisers, their families and their servants are free to commit any crime and the Iranian police do not have the right to arrest them. The Iranian courts are not qualified to judge over them; Why? Because America is the country of dollars and Iran needs those dollars! According to this shameful enactment, if an American adviser or the servant of an American adviser insults or offends against one of the maraji` at-taqlid of Iran, one of the esteemed people, one of the high-ranking officers, the police are not allowed to arrest him; the courts are not allowed to judge him. But if their dogs are offended, the police have to interfere and the court should investigate!

Thursday, November 24, 2011 03:27

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