Presence at Imam Khomeini`s Holy Shrine

Participants at the Int'l Conference on Women & Islamic Awakening

Presence at Imam Khomeini's Holy Shrine

A number of the participants at Int'l Conference on Women & Islamic Awakening visited Imam Khomeini’s holy shrine on Sunday, July 8th, and paid tribute to Imam Khomeini's high dignity.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:02

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Sayyid Ahmad’s political thoughts

Sayyid Ahmad’s political thoughts

In any society based on situations and conditions, thoughts and ideas are developed, and if these thoughts become stable and active they could change to rules for the officials. After the victory of the Islamic revolution various thought were developed and one of them was Sayyid Ahmad’s thoughts. Through this article first we’ll discuss Sayyid Ahmad’s role in preserving the historical heritage of the revolution and Imam, then we’ll talk about his political thoughts as the most important principle in a ruling system based on Islamic principles. The important features in his political thoughts were people, freedom of thought and accepting criticism. He was among the first preachers of freedom of thought after the revolution.

Thursday, March 15, 2012 03:10

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Imam Khomeini belongs to all the Muslims in the world

Head of the International Organization of Dialogue of Religions and Civilizations in an interview with Jamaran news agency

Imam Khomeini belongs to all the Muslims in the world

Imam Khomeini belonged to all the Muslims, I mean he wasn’t just for the Shias and he supported all the issues of Islam and Palestine. Also he leaded all the poor throughout the world and he Christians and Jews had no difference for him and this is a sign of the Islamic spirit within him that made him look at all the poor with one view and it had no importance for him whether that poor person is a Muslim or not.

Friday, February 17, 2012 11:48

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The admirers of Imam Khomeini were thanked and honored in Baku

Admirers of the Imam in Baku

The admirers of Imam Khomeini were thanked and honored in Baku

A group of political and cultural intellectuals, who are admirers of Imam Khomeini, were honored in the Azebaijan Republic. The office of the Iranian embassy’s cultural attaché in Azerbaijan hosted this event

Monday, January 30, 2012 04:14

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Art is not only an impartial means of expressing problems within society

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini said:

Art is not only an impartial means of expressing problems within society

"A group of mature and young poets met up with Sayyid Hassan Khomeini and recited their poems for him and gave their views regarding the society. Sayyid Hassan told them of their duties as artists, and said that they should not be an impartial means of expressing problems but should also step forward and help solve them, however difficult this transition may be."

Monday, November 21, 2011 09:27

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