Imam Khomeini defined genuine political facet

Imam Khomeini defined genuine political facet

Saturday, September 14, 2019 12:25

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Iran recalls American-backed 1953 coup

Iran recalls American-backed 1953 coup

Reversing earlier U.S. policy, President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized the CIA to instigate a coup d'état in Tehran that led to the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq and his government on this day in 1953.

Sunday, August 18, 2019 01:46

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Imam Khomeini stressed need for presence of heart durig prayers

Imam Khomeini stressed need for presence of heart durig prayers

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic advised the faithful people to pay special attention towards God, the Almighty while saying their prayers.

Sunday, August 04, 2019 10:24

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Imam Khomeini stressed nutrition suitable for the growth of  souls is divine knowledge

Imam Khomeini stressed nutrition suitable for the growth of souls is divine knowledge

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological works has stressed that the nutrition suitable for the growth [nash'ah] of the souls is the divine knowledge.

Monday, July 22, 2019 12:00

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FM Zarif says Iran to  put up spirited resistance in face of US pressures

FM Zarif says Iran to put up spirited resistance in face of US pressures

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic will continue to put up spirited resistance in the face of the United States’ “maximum pressure” campaign, just as it persevered during the 1980s Iran-Iraq war.

Saturday, June 29, 2019 06:17

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 Nation will never be intimidated by such atrocities, Imam Khomeini stressed

Nation will never be intimidated by such atrocities, Imam Khomeini stressed

Imam Khomeini, the Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran sent a message on the occasion of the martyrdom of one of his best disciples, Ayatollah M. Hosseini Beheshti, and his colleagues in an explosion that took place at the central headquarters of the Islamic Republic Party on June 28th, 1981.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019 01:05

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A comparative study of the idea of government regarding Imam Khomeini’s political thought and the modern idea of government

A comparative study of the idea of government regarding Imam Khomeini’s political thought and the ...

The reason behind the difference and opposition of the performance and requirements of the two political systems has to do with the difference in the idea of modern government and the idea of government with respect to Imam Khomeini’s political thought.

Friday, June 14, 2019 02:10

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Remarks on Imam Khomeini by political, cultural and social leaders of global repute

Remarks on Imam Khomeini by political, cultural and social leaders of global repute

Imam Khomeini, who himself was a distinguished Islamic scholar, proved through establishment of a democratic Islamic system that Islam can fulfill both the material and spiritual demands of the human beings.

Saturday, June 01, 2019 10:33

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