Imam Opposed Weapons of Mass Destruction (W.M.D)

Imam Opposed Weapons of Mass Destruction (W.M.D)

Imam Khomeini the great spiritual and religious leader of the world showed his strong opposition towards developing, keeping or maintaining the weapons of mass destruction.

Sunday, September 22, 2013 08:00

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The future lies with the Almighty God

The future lies with the Almighty God

Sunday, August 04, 2013 02:21

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:57

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``The letter was to design the relations after the Soviet collapse.``

Mohammad Javad Larijani:

''The letter was to design the relations after the Soviet collapse.''

After we returned from Moscow, early in the morning we went to visit Imam Khomeini; he told us: "Was Marxism over or not?" and I replied: "It was completely over", ***I always pity that Imam's letter was never analyzed well so that its thoughtful and deep sources could be revealed and we could find its meanings.***Shevardnadze told me he was shelterless against Imam's looks.***Imam's message had a great affect, the letters literature was quite interesting for them, they were faced with a leader like Imam Khomeini who spoke strongly, opposite to countries who spoke with strain against the Kremlin officials or always argue with them.

Monday, January 23, 2012 09:42

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Jacque Shartier: “The Iranian Islamic revolution defies world equations”

Revolutions and Iran

Jacque Shartier: “The Iranian Islamic revolution defies world equations”

Nowadays politics has turned into a tool which is used to dominate society and people. However the Islamic revolution which was led by Imam Khomeini and is based on the concept of Wilayat-e-Fagih, is a revolution which defies the usual equations of politics in the world.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011 02:19

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