Imam Khomeini belongs to all the Muslims in the world

Head of the International Organization of Dialogue of Religions and Civilizations in an interview with Jamaran news agency

Imam Khomeini belongs to all the Muslims in the world

Imam Khomeini belonged to all the Muslims, I mean he wasn’t just for the Shias and he supported all the issues of Islam and Palestine. Also he leaded all the poor throughout the world and he Christians and Jews had no difference for him and this is a sign of the Islamic spirit within him that made him look at all the poor with one view and it had no importance for him whether that poor person is a Muslim or not.

Friday, February 17, 2012 11:48

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 “The purpose of the path” written by Seyyed Hassan Khomeini was translated to Urdu

“The purpose of the path” written by Seyyed Hassan Khomeini was translated to Urdu

The book named “The purpose of the path” written by Seyyed Hassan Khomeini which was published in Persian last year, was translated to Urdu during this year’s Fajr decade.

Thursday, February 16, 2012 11:43

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Imam Khomeini’s fatwa about Salman Rushdie was historical and great


Imam Khomeini’s fatwa about Salman Rushdie was historical and great

Imam’s fatwa was great and historical, and it made a new wave throughout the Islamic world and showed he is sensitive about religion, sacred issues of a religion and the prophet.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 01:20

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 Imam Khomeini’s invitation was in the continuance of the prophets’ invitations

A member of Hizbollah’s central council:

Imam Khomeini’s invitation was in the continuance of the prophets’ invitations

Unity of the Muslim nation was among the principles and values which the prophet of Islam stressed on it and the dignity and authority of the Muslims will only reveal by the unity and solidarity against the common enemies.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 11:39

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The ``Encyclopedia of Islamic Sects`` was chosen as the ``Book of Year``

Book of Year

The ''Encyclopedia of Islamic Sects'' was chosen as the ''Book of Year''

In this work, 2340 sects has been studied and introduced and in the first comparing with other publications in this field we will find out about the quantity of sects and schools of thoughts and also the hard work of the authors for completing this encyclopedia.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 11:27

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``Imam Khomeini leaded the Islamic revolution of Iran with his fate.``

Syria’s Grand Mufti:

''Imam Khomeini leaded the Islamic revolution of Iran with his fate.''

In the Islamic awakening all the Muslim, Shia or Sunni, have stepped in, and by chanting “Allah-u-Akbar” (Allah is great) and without prejudice shouted for their rightful demands.

Monday, February 13, 2012 11:30

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Imam Khomeini’s thoughts are suitable for all the Muslim nation rather Shia or Sunni

Deputy of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan and a MP of that country in an interview with Jamaran news agency

Imam Khomeini’s thoughts are suitable for all the Muslim nation rather Shia or Sunni

Saturday, February 11, 2012 11:23

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Imam Khomeini’s movement blew a new spirit in Islam’s body

Chairman of Russian Mufti’s Council:

Imam Khomeini’s movement blew a new spirit in Islam’s body

Imam Khomeini’s movement which leaded to the Islamic revolution of Iran, is an honor for all the Muslims and it blew a new spirit in Islam’s body.

Friday, February 10, 2012 10:54

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