Imperial powers causing divisions among Muslims: President

Imperial powers causing divisions among Muslims: President

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has underlined the need for unity among Muslims and called on Islamic countries to take “practical” measures to foster unity.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015 01:35

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Imam Khomeini Denounced Sectarian Divide

Imam Khomeini Denounced Sectarian Divide

Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic used to denounce all types of divisions between the Muslim sects.

Sunday, January 04, 2015 04:39

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Times Introduced Imam as “Man of the Year”

Times Introduced Imam as “Man of the Year”

Weekly Times magazine conducted an historic interview with the founder of the Islamic Republic and its readers were deeply impressed by the academic and political wisdom of Imam Khomeini.

Monday, December 01, 2014 10:35

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Students must play role of nation builders: Imam Khomeini

Students must play role of nation builders: Imam Khomeini

The founder of the Islamic Republic advised the Iranian students studying abroad advised them to return the homeland in order to play crucial role in fate and future of the country.

Saturday, November 29, 2014 01:43

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Imam Responded Logically to American Journalist

Imam Responded Logically to American Journalist

The founder of the Islamic Republic responded logically to an aggressive question raised by an American reporter during an historic interview with the Western media.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014 02:41

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Islamic Revolution Expresses Unity and Solidarity between Shia and Sunni: Imam Khomeini

Islamic Revolution Expresses Unity and Solidarity between Shia and Sunni: Imam Khomeini

Imam Khomeini, the great spiritual leader of Muslim world, used to highlight the significance of preserving unity between Shia and Sunni sects both before and after the Islamic Revolution.

Thursday, February 20, 2014 08:00

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Everyone should abide by the law

Everyone should abide by the law

I hope that in this current year, our country proves to firmly establish the rule of the law. Everyone should abide by the law and no one should transgress it. No one should act against the law and everyone should act within their own limits.

Saturday, March 23, 2013 09:34

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Imam Khomeini became symbol of unity among humanity

Imam Khomeini became symbol of unity among humanity

As long as you are a single solid "unity" ...

Monday, February 04, 2013 01:39

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