Why Imam Khomeini showed discomfort for welcoming with Salwat?

Why Imam Khomeini showed discomfort for welcoming with Salwat?

Imam on several occasions reminded that if they chant Salwat with real intention for the holy prophet , then it was a great practice which would bear divine reward for them.

It has been reported through a series of memories that Imam Khomeini used to visit several towns around holy city of Qomfor preaching purposes. He used to be warmly welcomed by local residents who chanted Salwat (a religious practice of sending peace upon the holy prophet and his progeny)


Imam also once opposed welcoming him when he arrived at Grand Mosque of Qom when he arrived there for delivering a lecture.


Imam Khomeini on several occasions reminded that if they chant Salwat with real intention for the holy prophet , then it was a great practice which would bear divine reward for them. It is widely common practice among religious-minded people that they also chant Salwat for welcoming a significant clergymen Sometimes people


Imam further explained that he was not happy that if Salwat were used as a practice to welcome him or any other figure.


It can be concluded that Imam Khomeini had strong faith that the practice of Salwat shouldn’t be used other than the prophet’s sake and divine pleasure.


(Extracted from Book “a piece of Friend’s hair”, Hojjat al-Islam Khalil Souroush Mahalati, fourth edition, 2007, the institution for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini’s works)

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