How much did Imam Khomeini attach significance to personal training, spirituality?

How much did Imam Khomeini attach significance to personal training, spirituality?

In his personal life Imam had a Jihad (combat against the self); for example when he was in Najaf and there had a warm weather he almost had not wanted any welfare means for himself.

The summer warm weather of Najaf is really intolerable and the scholars often in that season go to a nearby country place.

But Imam was not ready to go to place of comfort or of pleasant weather. All of those are related to Imam's domination of the self and they have a relation to the subject of contentment and avoiding luxuries; to the extent that it was possible Imam lived a simple life based on divine oriented principles.

(Book mirror of virtue, pp.78-79, A memoirs by Hojat al-Islam Mohammad Ali Jamaatee)

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