Imam never became scared of Shah regime agents and instead consoled them

Imam never became scared of Shah regime agents and instead consoled them

 At that time when for the first time Imam had been arrested I did some activities; one of the clergies of Khomeini’s surroundings who has some contact with the government called the general chief of the police and he arranged a time when I could meet the other side.

In Mr. Roghnaee's home I met him. The home was surrounded.

 After I gave him a complement I asked him I ask your Excellency express a bit of how you were arrested at the time when they rushed into your home.

 He said: On Monday at midnight they entered my home and they kicked and broke the room and (seemingly at that time he was praying and that had to do with night pray) said: I told them go out; I myself will come.

They put me on the car's back seat and I was between two individuals who were armed and the one in the front was also armed. When the car was going their legs were being shaken very much. I asked them why you are shaking. They said that we are scared.

 He said; I put my hands on their legs and I told them do not fear; I am with you and with a lot of efforts I did something so that they were not shaken and were being relieved.

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