Imam Khomeini Intended to Unite Followers of all Divine Religions

Imam Khomeini Intended to Unite Followers of all Divine Religions

Imam Khomeini the founder of the Islamic Republic intended to unite all divine religions, Islamic sects and oppressed nations in order to confront the conspiracies of all arrogant powers and their colonial agenda.

The great Imam ruled out any move that would break up the lines of the followers of divine religions and lead to domination by colonialists.

The leader of the Muslim world believed that faith in the oneness of God, and in the mission of the Prophet of Islam and faith in the Holy Qur'an and genuine teachings of other divine relgions as the eternal charter for guidance.

The great Imam also showed the practical ways for unity between the Sunnis and Shias denomination during his leadership. His Holiness also opposed any move that would end in division and dispute between these two major sects of Islam.

The world religious leader also insisted on acceptance and widespread practices of mottoes such as the maintenance of prayers, fasting, giving alms as solid pillars for all the followers of divine religions and various Islamic sects.  

The reformist rise of Imam’s message is not meant only for Iranian society. The great figure of contemporary history believed that man’s intuition is based on monotheism, charity, search for truth and justice.

 Imam also maintained that if general awareness increases and the evil of ego weaken, then every human society will take to God-seeking and live in environments rich in justice and peace.

 For this reason, in all his public messages, the Imam urged the captive nations and the oppressed peoples to rise against the arrogant powers and their colonial agenda.

After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, openly posed the idea of forming the “Party of the Oppressed Peoples” and defended it.

The great Imam considered the philosophy of the prophetic missions as a means by which men are led toward the genuine theosophy and salvation. He undertook serious efforts to activate man’s perfection-seeking power, reformation of the society and establishment of equity and justice.

Imam Khomeini was a divine philosopher and mystic, a jurisconsult, a religious authority and at the same time the leader of the Islamic Revolution, and the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

He was also acquainted with the principles of Western philosophy, and was well versed in the principles and arguments of logic and Islamic philosophy.

Thus Imam’s philosophical outlook toward the truth of existence and its stages is deeply influenced by his school of mysticism.

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